wooden bridge

We're here to support you in serving your students.

Know your Students

View a snapshot of your school’s engagement upon sign-in, and distill down further using progress checklists by student at each grade level. Easily identify students who may need a check-in. 

Customize to Best Serve your Students

Create and manage school, community and state specific Elements and Badges for students to work towards. 

Easily Manage your School’s Data

Import students easily from Infinite Campus or via spreadsheet, and easily manage their information by creating custom lists, such as students by specific courses. 


Motivate and empower your students through self-guided exploration.

Save Time.

Create valuable time, relieved of the compliance burdens surrounding college and career readiness.


Quickly gather an understanding of your students through their profile, progress and saved interests.


Be more prepared and confident when trying to help students with their life choices.

Start your Journey Today

Sign up for a demo and let's go together.